Photo by Ryan Quintal on Unsplash
As the e-meeting tool, Zoom, was becoming more frequently used, it was also subject to more and more infringements. Visits from unauthorised guests who disturb meetings by sharing unpleasant pictures or writing inappropriate texts in the chat are called Zoom-bombing. As a lecturer at Lund University, you can protect yourself from this by always creating safe meetings. Obviously, the safest thing is to let only people with LU credentials log in to your meeting.
You can easily set up such a meeting by following this guide via Canvas
Creating Safe Meeting Spaces for You and Your Students
It is possible to create a secure meeting, even if it includes external participants (those without an LU account). To do so, follow the guide via Canvas
Creating a secure meeting for you and external participants
However, bear in mind that if you choose to share the secure link in an open forum, your meeting will no longer be secure.